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Wigs > Epic Cosplay > 15" Straight Short
Wig Information
Most Common Characters using this Wig
  1. Makoto Kikuchi (1)
  2. Tokugawa Ieyasu (1)
  3. Terezi Pyrope (1)
  4. Xiao Qiao (1)
  5. STRength (1)
(12 costumes use this wig)
Wig Name
15" Straight Short
Fiber Type
Heat Resistant
Wig Length
Wig Style
Recent Costumes using this Wig
Recent Reviews
  1. Rating 3 / 5.00

    Reviewed by celsius

  2. Rating 5 / 5.00

    Reviewed by amaryie

  3. Rating 4 / 5.00

    Reviewed by JadeKat

    I should have fluffed it up before wearing it a second time after a year in storage. D:

  4. Rating -1 / 5.00

    Reviewed by HSC-Abby

    I really like the color of this wig, it's a nice true blue; and it fits really well, like every other Epic wig I've worn.

  5. Rating 4 / 5.00

    Reviewed by ninjagal6

    It sat oddly low on my forehead but hey it worked