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Hello there! My nickname is Izaya and I am a cosplayer from South America and currently residing in Texas. I hope you enjoy my gallery!

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kapalaka says, "You have no idea how happy you've made me with your Lin Beifong cosplay. SHE IS SUCH A BOSS <3 <3 and you've totally done her justice. Great job!"
For Lin Bei Fong from Legend of Korra, The
Narnian says, "Great Maka!"
For Maka Albarn from Soul Eater
Narnian says, "A-MA-ZING!!!!"
For Lin Bei Fong from Legend of Korra, The
Terranell says, "I will take that to heart, thank you for inspiring me!"
For Lin Bei Fong from Legend of Korra, The
stardancer says, "The armor looks amazing, good for you for sticking it out!"
For Lin Bei Fong from Legend of Korra, The