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Hey all, I'm Arcaira! My official start to cosplay was in 2004 with my Lenne costume. I started without knowing how to sew and being incredibly not creative, but now I can use my sewing machine and I love this hobby a lot! If you're curious to know more, check out my website!

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kady301 says, "sweet custom i use to look like lara"
For Lara Croft from Tomb Raider
Kougaru says, "You look lovely "
For Lara Croft from Tomb Raider
Red.xiii says, "Excellent work, and understandable about the wings 8) Well done "
For Jacqueline Natla from Tomb Raider
Pi says, "wow........you have so much detail on this...all of it"
For Lenne from Final Fantasy X-2
Pi says, "pretty! you look like her too. and I how did you get your hair like that??"
For Aeris / Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children