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Wigs > Cosworx / > Holly Long
Reviews for the Holly Long wig
(Wig used for Kurumu Kurono from Rosario + Vampire)
This is just the current wig- a new wig is in the works which will replace this information.
(Wig used for Mizuki Kanzaki from Aikatsu!)
Cosworx is the only seller that offers a nice pinkish medium purple!
(Wig used for Victorian from Original: Historical / Renaissance)
The wig was a birthday present from my parents. I chose it...I don't know why. But I think it was a subconscious love of Moulin Rouge and wanting Satine's hair.
(Wig used for Nayru from Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages)
(Wig used for Nyaruko from Nyarko-san: Another Crawling Chaos)
I've been spoiled by Arda wigs fiber density. :P So, this one feels a bit thin to me in comparison, but otherwise, it's wonderful.