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Cosplaying is a hobby that...seems to consume a fair amount of my interest. :3 It satisfies in many different levels - the creation of the cosplay, the opportunity to meet new people, and +bonus points if people enjoy my work~

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manik_semiramis says, "The bodice is a favorite of mine too. XD It was all kinds of curves and half circles of craft foam fun. :3 And I never knew until this cosplay how much of a difference eyebrows made!"
For Oichi from Sengoku Basara
JadeKat says, "Oichi! I'm particularly loving the bodice area and the concerned eyebrows. XD Good job~"
For Oichi from Sengoku Basara
artikgato says, "Wow, great job on the costume! The armor looks fantastic! :D"
For Akechi Mitsuhide from Pokemon Conquest