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Been cosplaying since early 2007, though I've been a costume geek for years and came into cosplay out of SCA and working Ren Faires. I have a talent for getting out of my depth and seem to be falling into obscure (and oft-doomed!) characters for my current projects. The rest is details.

In case it weren't utterly obvious, I like my floof. If a cosplay of mine has less than ten yards of fabric in it, it's a minor miracle. If it has less than five, it's downright insane. I'm a sucker for period pieces, complete with the appropriate underpinnings. Most recently, I'm trying to break myself of a trend towards dominantly-white cosplays, since white's such an pain to keep clean. XD

I'm an idea person most of the time; I'll fall in love with a costume because of some specific detail or because I want to see if I can figure out how to do it, but it's hard to follow through once I've solved that. Working on it, but between that trend and HUGE FLOOFY COSPLAY, new stuff doesn't happen too too often. Still, it's fun -- that's why we all do it, isn't it?

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Kichara says, "Oh wow, I don't think I've ever seen anyone cosplay as this! Awesome! :D"
For Flora from Berserk
N1njaP1rate says, "Ah! I saw you at ALA! My friends and I were so happy to Saiyuki cosplayers!!! =^.^= Your costume looks great."
For Koumyou Sanzo from Saiyuki
mikarin says, "Beautiful work!!"
For Ryuushi Risai from Twelve Kingdoms
cherryteagirl says, "cute Rhode!! Love the umbrella!"
For Road (Rhode) Kamelot from D. Gray-Man