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Hi! I'm Kaijugal.

I'm a regional master costumer from CANADA~! xo

^_^ I have running and judging major masquerades for several years now as well as competing myself.

My involvements include:

Masquerade Director at: FANEXPO Canada (Toronto, Ontario), Anime North (Toronto, Ontario), & G-Fest (Chicago, IL)

I am also a cast member at Castle Blood, www.castleblood.com

Currently I am developing the Costume Programming for Anticipation, the WORLDCON that will be held in Montreal in 2009.

I'm currently serving as President of the Canadian Chapter of the International Costumers Guild, known as the "Fibre Fantasy Artists of Canada".

Occasionally I can also be found lurking around Cosplay.com as Canada's International Editor. ;)

WHEW! That's a whole lot! There is also judging, hosting panels, attending cons, and of course a whole lot more. :D As you can imagine this keeps me pretty busy and mostly out of trouble ^_~ *impish smile*
to say, I LOVE COSTUMING, and costumers and thier boundless enthusiasm for the subject. :) I'm always happy to help other costumers new and old.

Thank you for visiting my profile. ^_^


My best friend and partner in crime is the loveable and talented Sarcasm-hime. Be sure to check out her gallery, and those of my other costuming friends.

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corpwns says, "You win the internet!"
For Sam The American Eagle from Muppet Show, The
Anime_Craver#1 says, "NICE!!! XD That is rad!! It must have been diffenetly hard. 5/5"
For Sam The American Eagle from Muppet Show, The
MidnightEyes says, "Haha that is insane how you did all that with random stuff it looks soo amazing!! You are officialy my hero! =D haha"
For Queen Amidala from Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
Edith says, "I so love this. Can I ask what materials you used? I've always dreamed about making my own Godzilla costume."
For Godzilla from Godzilla
Songgo205 says, "Best costume of the Cheshire Cat so far that I've seen. Great work!!! I hope to walk down the path you have walked down to make it one day."
For Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland