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American Cosplay Snapshots
Cosplayer deuceloosely > Costume of Excalibur (Soul Eater)
- Most Recent Photo
- 04-07-2011
- Series
- Soul Eater
- Character
- Excalibur
- Year Completed:
- N/A
- Construction Difficulty:
- N/A
- Costume worn at:
- Katsucon 2011
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
Where to begin... The top hat is sheet foam held together from the inside with duct tape. The brim is held solid by an inner core of styrofoam. The mask is a wire hanger frame which wraps around my neck for support. It is wrapped in poly-cotton batting, stuffed with plastic grocery bags (making it impossible to breathe in) to hold shape, and the eyes are drawn on the butter suede exterior. When worn, it is held up by resting the front edge of the mask on the bridge of my nose. The top hat covers my eyes to complete the effect. The "doily" around my neck is the lower-half of a sun dress I found at a thrift store, which I cut and pleated. I hate pleating! The white "jacket" is designed from traced-out patterns made from a shirt I cut up. Again, I used the butter suede. This material doesn't breathe as well as you may think. The shirt and pants are thrift store acquisitions. The cane is made from a deconstructed umbrella, wrapped in sheet foam, and duct-taped. It's very light and quite soft, useless in combat. :P All sewing was done by hand.
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