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Hey there, I'm a cosplayer and costume maker from Singapore, and I've been cosplaying for close to 11 years now.

I'm also the organizer of International Cosplay Day Singapore (ICDS), show producer for Singapore's Annual Cosplay Chess, and Editor-in-Chief at Neo Tokyo Project, a cosplay and pop-culture blog about the local scene.

My latest cosplay projects and build processes can be found on my blog or Facebook page.

Thanks for visiting!

Cosplayer's CURE: http://en.curecos.com/profile/?ch=326745

deviantART: crimson-shirou.deviantart.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/neotokyoproject

Twitter: NeoTokyoProject

Website: www.neotokyoproject.com

World Cosplay: http://worldcosplay.net/member/crimson/

Personal Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/jason.crimson

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