Fixing my Trident! Need help!

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Fixing my Trident! Need help!

Post by Bsquaredcosplay » Thu Mar 17, 2016 9:02 am

Hello! I just joined the forums and would love any helps and tips for fixing my trident! I am very new to cosplay and debuted my very first cosolay last year and had someone break it at the end of the day. My experience is next to none as this was my first cosplay.

The top of the trident is no longer attached to the pvc pipe so I need a way to reattach them together and then make it sturdy enough to not break again. I also don't eat to change the look of the trident at all but if I need to I want it to be minimal. The copper wire that holds the grotto goes inside the pvc pipe.

Thanks in advance to anyone who tries to help and I hope you like my first cosplay!
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Re: Fixing my Trident! Need help!

Post by Neophyte_Mind » Tue Mar 29, 2016 6:20 am

Wow I'm sorry your first prop was damaged! I know how that feels and I also recommend that when you go to cons you bring a emergency fix bag that has simple things like glue/duck tape/basic sewing supplies/etc things that wouldn't be a permanent fix but would hold your cosplay together for the rest of the day.
For the trident, I'm not exactly sure what to say without actually being able to see the prop in person but you may simply just want to glue the hell out of it. Hot glue or gorilla glue would probably do best and then maybe even tape around where you glued and just paint over the tape so you can't see it. Sorry this is kind of mediocre advice, hopefully someone else will also reply to this.

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