Commission information:
NEW: If you CANNOT contact me through this website, feel free to email me at hoff.jennifer@yahoo.com. ONLY email me if you do not have an account, because I hate emails if they are not needed. Put in the subject "YARN TAIL."
Cost: NOTE: Price change does not apply to to slots 1-3, as they ordered before the change.
.......$1.50 per inch for a feline tail. Ask me about limitations on certain feline species.
.......$2.00 per inch for normal-wide tail.(All tails above are normal wide)
.......$3.50 per inch for medium-wide tail.
.......$5.50 per inch for large-wide tail. Leopard tails must be this size or larger.
.......$8.50 per inch for extra wide tail.
Extra fees:
.......(required) $7.00 for a bristle brush and shipping.(Does not apply to Slots 1-4.)
Payments I accept:
.......Money order or cash. NO personal checks or paypal.
.......PLEASE date and sign your money orders on EVERY line that you're supposed to.
.......Also, DO NOT send me any money until I have told you "Your tail is finished and ready for delivery. You may send a payment now."
Time it takes to construct a tail:
.......Usually a week for knee length tails in normal-wide or smaller.
.......Otherwise, it's unknown.
.......Obviously longer tails will take much longer, and short tails will be done much quicker.
What can I do, What can't I do?
.......I can make any color whatsoever, but be warned that some colors are harder to find than others.
.......If you need me to match a color exactly, you will have to go to the store and get a paint card and tell me what the number is. Otherwise, I've got a pretty good eye for color. .......Just ask me if I can do it. There are SO many exceptions that I can't possibly list them all.
.......The only law I cannot make an exception to is that leopard tails must be bigger than medium wide.
Premade tails for sale:
.......http://t.facdn.net/3613106@300-1269636589.jpg = $37. Red fox tail. 15 inches long.
SLOTS: If a persons name is in bold, it is from a different website.
.......1. Raineyangel81 --32 inch extra wide leopard tail links:
....... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v196/ ... ailref.png
....... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v196/ ... ome165.jpg
....... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v196/ ... m507sm.jpg
....... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v196/ ... eejaay.jpg
....... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v196/ ... rcherx.jpg
.......2. Wolfsmate -- 25 inch black white striped wolf tail normal wide link: http://www.furville.com/Blacklion/images/w
.......3. Wolfmoon09 -- 23 inch medium wide tortoiseshell cat tail link: http://www.billputman.com/amanda.jpg
.......4. Violet_foxx -- 22 inch purple fox tail link:http://i605.photobucket.com/albums/tt13 ... fpng-1.png
.......5. Tigeriss_Lord -- 25 inch browns mottled tail suprise pattern
.......6. Tuli -- 25 inch tiger tail link: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2908087/
.....Small tails that count as side-project tails:
.......1. Acisej -- 18 inch medium wide link: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3563393
.......2. Fuzzy Alien-- 6 inch red fox tail
.......I have read the "Important" section of the first post:
.......Total (I can do the math if you want) : $
........If you decide to cancel your order, you give me full right sell the tail to someone else.
....... If you are allergic to certain kinds of fabric or materials, PLEASE LET ME KNOW or DON'T ORDER A TAIL.
....... Most of my tails are made with Simply Soft, I Love This Yarn, and Red Heart.
....... By ordering a tail you are agreeing that any allergic reaction you may get is NOT my fault. It is your own.
....... By ordering a tail you agree that it should be brushed every once in a while to keep it's pretty shape, because it does matte if not taken care of.
........If you are displeased by your tail and return a tail to me in the condition I sent it to you in, then I will return 35% of your money back. If the tail is damaged in any way, I will reject your return. This is why I send you pictures.
........You understand that I cannot send tails out of the United States.
........Upon ordering a tail, you understand that payment works as follows:
1. You place your form on this thread.
2. I accept or reject, and talk to you about any details I'll need.
3. I work on the tail, sending you approximately three WIPs (Work in progress).
4. When you see the completed tail on someone's butt in a picture, I will say "Your tail is complete and you may send the payment now."
5. I send you my details, you send me the payment.
6. I receive your payment, and I then send your tail with a tracking code so that there aren't any lost tails causing mischief in the world.
.......Remember, I send you WIP's for a reason. If you don't like it, tell me ahead of time.
.......I have five cats. If you are allergic to cats, DO NOT order a tail. Their fur may be in the fibers.
This is my first time I've made a shop, and I'm less than a day old on this website. I've filtered my way through other commission threads, and I hope I'm doing this correctly. If there's anything I need to change, tell me and I will promptly fix it.