Here is my photobucket album:
My email is
Please feel free to contact me!!!
Here a few commissions I have done recently:
1) Lelouch Vi Britannia from code geass

2) Blood Elf with orb of deception from world of warcraft

3) Kisa Blue Mage from final fantasy

4) Lucio Black Mage from Final Fantasy XI

5) Squall Seed Dress Uniform - I have done a lot of men's uniform and suit type costumes as well. I was particularly excited to do this one because I have seen it done poorly so many times and i knew I could make a really nice one. I used synthetic leather for the gold trim and details. It came out really nice and the person I made it for looks really handsome in it, doesn't he?!!

6) Noctis from Final Fantasy Versus XIII

7) Lacus Clyne from Gundam SEED

So, send me an email or PM me anytime if you have any questions or would like a quote!