Incase yu're wondering what the heck I'm talking about, here's some definitions.
Dualty- Wheather your sign is Feminine or Masculine
Feminine- Self- Receptive, Self- contained and strong through inner reserves.
Masculine- Energetic, Outer directed and strong through action.
Element- The element your sign rules over.
Fire- Masculine, signifies energy, aggressiveness, enthusiasm, and impulseveness.
Air- Masculine, signifies intellect, reason, and communication.
Earth- Feminie, signifies practicality, conservatism, stability, and materialism.
Water- Feminine, signifies emotion, imagination, sensitivity, and spirituality.
Quality- The three kinds of energy under which signs of the zodiac are classified. There's Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable.
Cardinal- Signifies action, initaiative, leadership, and out going activity.
Fixed- signifies persistance, singlemindedness, determanation, and resourcfullness.
Mutable- Signifies adatabillity, versatillity, openness to change, and flexability.
" The colder the Winter the Warmer the spring, out of the darkness is were we learned to see, out of the silence is were we sang, and the darker times we see the more our hearts sing."