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Events > NIS America Promotion @ Sakura-con
About This Event

Description: ACParadise and NIS America will be promoting several titles at this convention, and we\'re looking for some trustworthy, reliable cosplayers to help out!
We are looking for two cosplayers, from the following series in rank order. Feel free to apply even if you have a lower rank series since the priorities may change as the convention gets closer.
2. Toradora!!
3. Pandora Hearts
4. Our Home\'s Fox Diety
5. Persona Trinity Soul
Be sure to link your costume in your ACParadise profile so it can be reviewed.
We\'ll contact you via E-mail if you are selected. Good luck!

Sakura-con 2011
Event Date
Volunteer Access
This event has already ended.
Application Status
Associated Series

Location: Exhibition Hall

Volunteer Info: Booth time: 3 hours. Date/Time: TBD
In exchange for your time, you will get swag courtesy of NIS America, and the honor of being the official cosplay representative for NIS America at the con.
You will need your own badge for this event due to the short time commitment.