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Events > Daisuki @ Anime Expo 2017
About This Event

Description: Daisuki is looking for general volunteers to staff their booth at Anime Expo, cosplay is not required!

Anime Expo 2017
Event Date
Volunteer Access
This event has already ended.
Application Status
Associated Series
iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls

Location: This would take place at the Daisuki Booth

Volunteer Info: Cosplay is not required for this - you would be given volunteer shirts to wear. Make-up and wigs are ok, but full costume is not encouraged unless if you can move easily in it. Time commitment is 4 hours each day of the convention, and in exchange you'll get a badge, or existing badge cost reimbursed. Cost of Anisong ticket may be covered as well in exchange for longer time commitment.

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