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Events > Hunt for the Selecao at Katsucon 2011
About This Event

Description: We are looking for volunteers to help with FUNimation\'s promotion of Eden of the East Katsucon weekend. No cosplay is required!

Katsucon 2011
Event Date
Volunteer Access
This event has already ended.
Application Status
Associated Series
Eden of the East

Location: All weekend at Katsucon

Volunteer Info: Volunteers must be available the entire weekend. There will be no shifts outside of Exhibitor Hall times.
You will need to work one shift from each of the 3 days for a total of 8 hours:
Friday 12 - 3, 3 - 6
Saturday 10 - 1, 3 - 6
Sunday 10 - 12, 12 - 2

In return for your time, you will be compensated a full weekend badge, and a fancy exclusive EOTE shirt (and other EOTE stuff we\'ll be handing out). You must be in good standing as a member of ACParadise.com