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Events > Disgaea 5 @ Anime Expo 2015
About This Event

Description: The President of NIS will be coming from Japan again to Anime Expo, so NIS America would like to have some cosplayers from the latest entry in the series to be his escort!

Anime Expo 2015
Event Date
Volunteer Access
This event has already ended.
Application Status
Associated Series
Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance

Location: The Disgaea Panel will be Friday 8:00 PM at LACC 411. Otherwise you'll find our Disgaea cosplayers at the NISA booth (#911) all weekend.

Volunteer Info: Cosplayers should have outfits from the main cast of Disgaea 5. (Secondary and class-specific characters will be considered as well). Time commitment is approximately 3 - 4 hours a day. In exchange you'll receive a badge to the con, and either a copy of the game when it's released or your choice of an anime or game title from NIS America's catalogue.

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