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Events > Project HS @ Otakon 2014
About This Event

Description: In honor of Hayami Saori of being a guest at Otakon, we're going to see if we can assemble a team of cosplayers for all the roles she's done with Aniplex titles!

Otakon 2014
Event Date
Volunteer Access
This event has already ended.
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Associated Series

Location: This will take place at the Aniplex Booth and various panel rooms.

Volunteer Info: Cosplayers should have outfits from the following characters: Sachi (Sword Art Online), Yotsugi (Monogatari Series), Wako (Star Driver), Ayase (Oreimo), Miyuki (Mahouka), Tsuruko (Anohana). Cosplayers will be needed only for Saturday, and receive a badge plus autographs and photos with Hayami Saori.

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