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Events > Space Dandy @ Otakon Vegas 2014
About This Event

Description: Space Dandy World Premiere and Q&A Panel (Saturday @ 3:30pm in Main Events)
Space Dandy Autograph Session (Saturday @ 5:15pm in Autographs)

- At the FUNimation photo booth, the first 50 people each day to take a photo in the booth and upload it to Facebook will give a free Space Dandy calendar featuring Honey!
- Find one of our Boobies booth babes and you’ll receive a free Boobies sticker.
- Be sure to also pick up a free Space Dandy promotional poster at our booth while supplies last.
- and, if you attend the Space Dandy premiere you’ll receive a free Boobies pennant!

Our first event for 2014 involves the upcoming anime, Space Dandy! FUNimation is looking for 4 - 6 cosplayers to help with a launch event for the series at Otakon Vegas 2014!

Otakon Vegas 2014
Event Date
Volunteer Access
This event has already ended.
Application Status
Associated Series
Space Dandy

Location: This will take place at the FUNimation booth