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Events > SAINTS ROW Take Over Campaign @ Fanime 2013
About This Event

Description: ARE YOU READY FOR SAINTS ROW IV? Ready to show off your Saints Row Pride? Then join BOSS for the ultimate campaign by dressing up as your favorite gang!

All characters from the first Saints Row up to the new Saints Row IV will be accepted. This is a fan gathering for all the fans to come and play.

More information will come when the time for the gathering will be. Since it\'ll be on a Friday, YOU BETTER SHOW UP THIS YEAR. Or we\'ll come hunting down for you.

Let\'s have fun!

FanimeCon 2013
Event Date
Volunteer Access
This event has already ended.
Application Status
Associated Series
Saints Row IV
Saints Row: The Third

Location: Fanime Con at the Lobby of the Convention Center.
TIME : 3:00PM (Tentative)

Volunteer Info: Signing up as a Volunteer is basically signing up for the gathering. Please list which character/outfit you plan on doing!