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LJinto > Photoshoots
Photoshoot Info
Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann
AX Concert Yoko Shoot
Anime Expo 2009
Date Taken:
01/01/2009 (Last Updated 03/02/2010)
Extra Info:
Gurren Lagann Concert version Yoko: Ai-Honey It was kind of a funny story. The shoot almost didn\'t happen due to a lost accessory. We made an impromptu flower out of certain materials and off we go! Thank you Jessie for helping out ^.^ Sorry I took up so much time :( Thank you Ai Honey for being patient and going through with everything. There was very little time to shoot since we had to catch a flight, but it was a fond memory at AX!
Photos (Showing ai-honey Only)



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