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Photoshoot Info
Cardcaptor Sakura
Card Captor Sakura @ Katsucon 2014
Katsucon 2014
Date Taken:
02/15/2014 (Last Updated 02/19/2014)
Extra Info:
This was my first photoshoot! I was really nervous to do the shoot, but I had offered and I had the time...! Chira lent me her camera, and I was all set to go!\\r\\n\\r\\nI have to say, it\\\\\\\'s really something to see how excited cosplayers get when they see the photos. It was definitely something new for me, since I\\\\\\\'m usually the one getting exicited!! They worked so hard on their costumes and told me all about how long they\\\\\\\'ve wanted to cosplay from CCS!! I\\\\\\\'m super honored to have taken photos that they liked!!
Photos (Showing Vikki Only)



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