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BlizzardTerrak > Photoshoots
Photoshoot Info
Ninja Gaiden
F13 - Ayane
FanimeCon 2013
San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, CA
Nikon D7000 Nikon 17-55mm f/2.8G AF-S DX IF-ED Lens SB-700 AF Speedlight i-TTL Shoe Mount Flash Adobe Lightroom 3
Date Taken:
07/12/2013 (Last Updated 07/12/2013)
Extra Info:
Ayane - Yaya Han Quick, out of view, and close to the convention. Only place I could think of was the hotel across the street. That allowed us to use her swords (Fanime has a no-live steel policy). >D Lighting was a bit finicky since I was still trying to get used to using lights all weekend. It\'s been tricky to do either the fill light or the spotlight lighting, but I didn\'t have time to think so I just used whatever I had at the time. Hope to develop muscle memory for lighting soon. ^^;
Photos (Showing Yaya (AngelicStar) Only)



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