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About Me:
I'm a novice photographer and also a cosplayer myself (although I'm a novice seamstress too). Although I'm mainly in front of a camera, I'd like to develop my skills behind it as well.

Also, I like tagging photos. I think it shows that I'm a nerd in every regard.
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Recent Comments
Kanemochi Kanetarou says, "God...! Big O was also popular in 2010...! I understood Why NC love this Anime."
For Gallery: Sac-Anime Summer 2010
Kanemochi Kanetarou says, "F.Lieutenant Monsha ABSOLUTELY rampage. "UUUUURAAAAAKIIIII! I'm gonna give you Nina-san.:=(^,,^)=:" "B, but F.Lieutenant, That Operator al""
For Gallery: FanimeCon 2010
Kanemochi Kanetarou says, "Really Oniai-couple. Although Ichijou-kun x Misa-san isn't bad too."
For Gallery: FanimeCon 2013
Kanemochi Kanetarou says, "R.I.P Tsujitani-san. Your Dream shall reach our skies."
For Gallery: Anime Expo 2013
Kanemochi Kanetarou says, "Mo...Morire, por completo... Tu eres la mas fuerte y la mas hermosa, Louise...-,,-"
For Gallery: FanimeCon 2008
