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Somewhere on the East Coast
About Me:
Site owner by day, Professional Derptographer by night. I don't do photoshoots, but if you see me at a con, you can flag me down for some quick shots.
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Recent Comments
Xaviet Rost says, "Wonderful take"
For Gallery: OhayoCon 2009
Kanemochi Kanetarou says, "Ahhhh, You veryvery know his chara. A big guy and THE Master of Samayou Yoroi(Wandering Armor)."
For Gallery: Tokyo Game Show 2009
Kanemochi Kanetarou says, "Oh, Kula n Leona are very pretty. Cap x Gem couple isn't bad too."
For Gallery: Tokyo Game Show 2009
Kanemochi Kanetarou says, "Yeahhh, Shishou! We've been waitin' for. Justice is immortal."
For Gallery: OhayoCon 2008
Kanemochi Kanetarou says, "Oh, Welcome! I'm a big Ultraman TTF/Great fan. Your awakened energy of love for cosplay is stronger than any weapons!"
For Gallery: World Cosplay Summit 2014
