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Attack on Titan with FUNimation @ Otakon 2013View Event Page
Love Attack on Titan but can\'t make it to AX? No problem, ACP\'s attacking Titans at Otakon too!
This will take place at the FUNimation booth and at various parts of the convention center.
Otakon and Aniplex are bringing the creator and director of the Oreimo anime, so they\'ve asked us to have cosplayers escort them to their panels, as well as come up with Oreimo-related activities for the booth.
This will take place at the Aniplex booth, as well as the Aniplex and Oreimo-related panels.
With the character designer and animators for Sword Art Online being guests at Otakon, Aniplex is looking to have some cosplayers be their personal guard! There will also be a cosplay gathering at the booth, and the return of the Tower of Trivia!