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Wigs > Fantasy Sheep > Durarara Izaya Orihara
Reviews for the Durarara Izaya Orihara wig
  1. Rating: 5 / 5.00

    (Wig used for Tohru Adachi from Persona 4)

  2. Rating: 4 / 5.00

    (Wig used for Meenah Peixes from MS Paint Adventures / Homestuck)

  3. Rating: 5 / 5.00

    (Wig used for Mako from Legend of Korra, The)

  4. Rating: 4 / 5.00

    (Wig used for Kyouya Hibari from Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)

    After previous heat damage and improper cutting, the bangs started to square-out, as opposed to smoothly come together, but other than that, a wonderful wig

  5. Rating: 5 / 5.00

    (Wig used for Kyouya Hibari from Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)

    A very nice wig, as expected from FantasySheep. After a mishap in cutting the bangs, and a small amount of heat damage, the bangs sort of "blocked" off, making a square-shape.

  6. Rating: 5 / 5.00

    (Wig used for Jake English from MS Paint Adventures / Homestuck)

    this is one of my all time favorite wig bases! it's incredibly versatile.

  7. Rating: 4 / 5.00

    (Wig used for Tohru Adachi from Persona 4)