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Wigs > laurawu > 2 Clip On Wavy Ponytail
Reviews for the 2 Clip On Wavy Ponytail wig
  1. Rating: 2 / 5.00

    (Wig used for Alibaba Saluja from Magi Labyrinth of Magic)

    I was planning on adding the pigtails as weft to help style his ahoge, but unfortunately the wig was unsalvageable. The wefts were itchy and uncomfortable and I decided to get a new wig for the next time I wear him.

  2. Rating: 3 / 5.00

    (Wig used for Sarie from Twinkle Crusaders)

  3. Rating: N/A

    (Wig used for Unagi from Popotan)

    the wig without the clips.