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Wigs > Fantasy Sheep > Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Yoko
Wig Information
Most Common Characters using this Wig
  1. Yoko Littner (5)
  2. Shura Kirigakure (1)
(6 costumes use this wig)
Wig Name
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Yoko
Fiber Type
Heat Resistant
Wig Length
Wig Style
Recent Costumes using this Wig
Recent Reviews
  1. Rating 5 / 5.00

    Reviewed by twolfe

    Fantasy Sheep is an expensive brand, but worth the price. The wig stayed in good condition through multiple wears.

  2. Rating 3 / 5.00

    Reviewed by MinaUchiha2