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Cosplay Videos
The following videos from our Convention Coverage have been linked to this series. You can narrow the list by clicking on a specific Convention to your right.

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
#08 Kunoichi Cell Block Tango
8029 views, 13 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Convention: Anime USA 2007

Awards: Best in Show, Tristen Citrines Judges Award - Las Vegas

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
#15 Something Completely Different
6305 views, 9 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [Mario Bueno]
Convention: Anime Boston 2008

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
6129 views, 5 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Convention: Anime Central 2008

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
#04 Digest Version to Music
5447 views, 9 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Series: Death Note
Convention: Katsucon 2008

Awards: Best Overall Performance

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
#S08 Game of Life
5106 views, 17 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Series: Death Note
Cosplayer(s): [Rynn][Sumikins]
Convention: Anime Central 2008

Awards: Best of Show

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
#06 Diamond and Pearl
4812 views, 8 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Convention: Sakura-con 2008

Awards: Lo Punny won Best Novice Construction, Best Professional Performance, Lifetime Award of Shame

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
14 Godly Team Cosplay Ls Day Off
4237 views, 15 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Series: Death Note
Cosplayer(s): [GreyKungF00L][Haku]

Awards: Judges Award

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
S18 Death to High School
4175 views, 6 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [Misa.Amane][Misadesu]
Convention: Anime Central 2009

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
20 Were Not Twins Cosplay When in Rome
3989 views, 2 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [Pretty Sammy][Serey-chan]
Convention: Anime LA 2009

Awards: Best Execution of Transformation

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
S19 Ls Diabetes
3983 views, 11 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Series: Death Note
Convention: Anime Boston 2009

Awards: Judge's Award

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
19 Death Note Another Ending
3808 views, 4 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [dot]
Convention: Anime LA 2009

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
#15 Sunny Day DN
3740 views, 2 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Series: Death Note
Convention: Tekko 2008

Awards: Honorable Mention

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
#S06 Death Fantasy Seven: Advent Yagami
3691 views, 3 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Convention: A-Kon 2007

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
#20 Caramel Death Note
3296 views, 8 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Series: Death Note

Awards: Amanda's Judges Award

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
#03 Finding Mello DN
3279 views, 2 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Series: Death Note
Cosplayer(s): [Ann][PainfullyToxic]

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