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Cosplay Videos
The following videos from our Convention Coverage have been linked to this series. You can narrow the list by clicking on a specific Convention to your right.

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
4680 views, 7 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [DeejKakashi][Eiji][Spoo]
Convention: Anime Expo 2008

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
#04 Legend of Zelda
3900 views, 1 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [Jaina Solo][Li Kovacs]
Convention: WonderCon 2006

Awards: Honorable Mention for Most Beautiful

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
3697 views, 2 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [Linkx]
Convention: Anime Expo 2008

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
#07 The Weakest Link Legend of Zelda
3389 views, 3 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [Cimorene]
Convention: Anime Boston 2008

Awards: Runner-Up Novice Presentation

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
#22 LINK
3214 views, 1 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [Celesdragon][Lizakitty][Lizzy]
Convention: Katsucon 2006

Awards: Best Performance Award and Tech Staff Award

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
#15 Legend of Zelda
3100 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [Li Kovacs][Ri_][Sana-chan]
Convention: Anime LA 2005

Awards: Audience Favorite Award, Best Presentation Group Award, Zelda Won Best Sculpey Work and Dress Details Journeyman Craftsmanship Award

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
#02 I Wanna Be Just Like You Legend of Zelda
2901 views, 2 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [Li Kovacs][Ryuichi]
Convention: WonderCon 2008

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
Oxy-Evil #S08 Pointless Side Quest
2835 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [Sailor Senmurv][sailorgaia]
Convention: Anime Central 2004

Awards: Judges Choice Presentation Award

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
04 Darkness of Hyrule
2769 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [DreamyDemon]
Convention: Anime Conji 2011

Awards: Honorable Mention Presentation, Honorable Mention Use of Materials

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
#36 The Real Link Legend of Zelda
2720 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Convention: Otakon 2004

Awards: Judge's Award, Craftsmanship Runner-up Award and Novice Honorable Mention Award

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
#19 Gamer Goes Wiiiii
2585 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [Li Kovacs]
Convention: Anime LA 2007

Awards: Most Humorous Open Division

Walk-On (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
W5 Twilight Maiden
2449 views, 3 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Convention: FanimeCon 2008

Awards: Junior/Youth Achievement

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
31 Ultimate Awesome
2369 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [DreamyDemon]

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
2344 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [Mimiur09fox]
Convention: Anime Central 2013

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
08 Twilight Princess Link and Zelda
2170 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]

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