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Anime Expo
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BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger

Description: Saturday July 6th 11:00am-1:00pm
BlazBlue Cosplay Gathering
There will be a Blazblue tournament at the Aksys booth, and to liven things up, our ACParadise members will be there to give the tournament some cosplay representation.
Make sure you show up, we might have some swag from E3 to give out to lucky cosplayers!

Blazblue is one of Aksys Games' best selling series, and they would like to celebrate it by hosting a cosplay gathering at their booth for AX!

Location: This will take place at the Aksys booth. Saturday

Volunteer Info: Cosplayers must have costumes from any character in the Blazblue universe. Since this is a public gathering, your application will be automatically approved, this is just to keep track of who's coming.

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