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    Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt

    Description: Want your own exclusive Panty and Stocking T-shirt at Otakon? Come to the FUNimation Entertainment booth and get your copy of Panty and Stocking along with a T-shirt and Heaven Coin, while supplies last. http://www.funimation.com/sully/blog/otakon-2012-aka-panty-gate/4466721

    There will be a dancer pole set up with the disco lights at the FUNimation booth with our official Panty and Stocking cosplayers showing off their moves for your attention... and photos.

    We will also have an interactive event, where you need to track down our official Panty and Stocking cosplayers who are on a mission! We're sending you guys out on a mission is to prove to us that Panty and Stocking are still doing their work ghost hunting and NOT SLACKING OFF.
    Find them, get photo evidence with them doing an awesome pose (WITH YOU) and return to headquarters for verification.
    (You can use a mobile device or a camera) Then share your photo with the world assuming you're on a mobile device.
    Twitter Example: Hey, @acparadise @funimation, I just found my #PantyandStocking!
    Facebook Example. Send me to Heaven! @American Cosplay Paradise, I found Panty and Stocking!

    Once you've been verified, you'll get an EXCLUSIVE PANTY AND STOCKING
    We will be stamping your badges after you have successfully redeemed your Heaven Coin (Limit one per attendee, while supplies last)

    July 27
    FRIDAY 12:00 - 2:30

    July 28
    SATURDAY 12:00 - 2:30
    SATURDAY 2:30 - 5:00

    July 29
    SUNDAY 11:00 - 1:00

    If you can't come to Otakon, there's always our PANTY AND STOCKING COSPLAY CONTEST online

    Location: This will take place at the FUNimation Booth, which will have its very own dancing pole!

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