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    Description: With Gen Urobuchi returning to the USA for Otakon, Fate/Zero fans must be excited!
    If you didn't know, Gen Urobuchi is the Writer for Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Fate/Zero so we'll be having events for both series!


    There will be various autograph sessions and panels for Fate/Zero so check the schedules below. There are two types of autograph sessions, one sponsored by Otakon, and one sponsored by Aniplex. For Otakon's autographing policy, please be sure to check their site.

    In addition to the panels and autograph sessions, we will have official Fate/Zero COSPLAY gatherings with an interactive stage events, so make sure you schedule your costumes appropriately!

    Autograph Policy for Aniplex USA Booth:
    For the Gen Urobuchi signing to be held at the Aniplex Booth:
    -These autograph sessions will be TICKETED. Tickets can be obtained from the Aniplex USA booth with purchase of either Fate/Zero or Madoka Magica.
    -With your Aniplex ticket, please be present at the time the autograph sessions start. There will be no guarantees for autographs if you show up late.
    -NO PHOTOS, PERIOD will be allowed during these autograph sessions
    -ONE ITEM can be signed, OFFICIAL merchandise and goods ONLY, no fanart.
    -People who do not comply with these policies will be removed from the autograph session, without their autograph.

    July 27
    FRIDAY 12:30 - 1:30 Urobuchi Q&A Panel (Panel Room 3)
    FRIDAY 2:00 - 3:00 Fate Zero Gathering/Stage Event (Aniplex Booth)
    FRIDAY 3:30 - 4:30 Urobuchi Autograph (Otakon Autograph Room 3)

    July 28
    SATURDAY 12:00 - 1:00 Urobuchi Autograph (Otakon Autograph Room 3)
    SATURDAY 2:00 - 3:00 Aniplex of America Panel (Panel Room 1)
    SATURDAY 5:00 - 6:00 Urobuchi Autograph (Aniplex Booth)

    Location: This will take place at the Aniplex Booth

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