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Cosplayer Jin > Costume of Rem Kaginuki (Dance With Devils)

Most Recent Photo
Dance With Devils
Rem Kaginuki
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Excellence in Tailoring (Novice), Best Pair (Novice)
Costume worn at:
Anime North 2018
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About this Costume
Construction Details:

The coat has 8 functional buttons for the double-breasted closure and two perfectly phone-sized welt pockets on the sides, as well as one for the pocket square; for that as well as the collar bias, I decided to layer white polyester or white bias tape with the same lace I used for Urie to try to tie the uniforms together a little more. It did make the collar a little wavy in the end but I think it was worth it.

All the little gold decorations were were made of gold spandex, I interfaced some pieces that needed more structure. The cuffs are handsewn on and the epaulettes' cover buttons were covered with the same gold spandex to match. The collar has a heavy non-fusible interfacing in it so it can stand on its own. The top of the vent was topstitched and the back piece was handsewn on, taking the coat in by a few inches. Fun fact about this costume: Our skit had me putting on the jacket and I completely forgot to pop the collar up at the end, even though it's one of my favorite parts of the costume! I'm still mad at myself for that!

I originally made a regular sized pocket square but since I lined it, it was way too bulky. So I remade one with half the vertical measurement and carefully handsewed it in half, then ironed it into a classic two peaks style and tacked it down by hand in some areas, better be slightly inaccurate than risk it coming apart on stage!

The pants are a simple skinny pants pattern I drafted and added pockets to. The pocket trim is the same gold spandex as everything else. It closes in the front with a classic zipper placket and a hook and bar closure. I tried being consistent between the two uniforms but they have completely different closures on references! I love anime fashion!

The shoes were bought from a local store and painted beige with Angelus Leather Paint in Beige (iirc) I hadn't used the product before but it was so good! I'm excited to use it again! I patterned the black pieces on top to the best of my ability and added facing to them (I probably shouldn't have, it added a bit too much bulk...) then glued them on with leather glue. The laces are little leather strips that I also painted to make them blend in as much as possible. I went with the musical design with the shoes rather than the hideous anime design... but well, they're still pretty ugly.

Personal Thoughts:
This was my first masquerade costume and a very long process in general... it may not look like it but it's pretty detailed!
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Arda Wigs
Wig Name
Original Color:
Dark Ash Blonde
Styling Time
2 hours
Wig Quality Rating
5 / 5.00
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