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Cosplayer Azira > Costume of Kiara Sessyoin (Fate/EXTRA CCC)
- Most Recent Photo
- 08-09-2019
- Series
- Character
- Kiara Sessyoin
- Year Completed:
- 2018
- Construction Difficulty:
- Difficult
- Costume worn at:
- Anime Expo 2018
- Katsucon 2018
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
I'm putting the difficultly Level up as the costume itself was not hard to make but the Horns I made from scratch was my first time making something of the sort so I had quite the learning curve
Kiaras horns are BIG if I went with the scale from CCC they would be at least 1/2 bigger than I made them, that how ever is impractical so I made them smaller.
Built a base out of a lightweight foam used for packing that I find in the trash at work (I am raccoon. they are wasteful. I also use it to seal windows at my house from the cold)
Expanding foam over that, Now this method was good however I did this in the dead of winter so the foam did not want to dry and required more sanding than i anticipated.
Carving was an interesting experience but the best way to do it was just to go all in and not stop until they were finished.
As expanding foam does not melt from areosoles despite tutorials saying it would (it dosent) I went with Spackle + Automobile primer for my finishing.
Nothing in life can be perfect and when it isnt that is where Automoblie primer will be there for you. Thank you automobile primer.
Painting was free hand.there was really no other way so I just free handed it Hopefully it looks like Wadas design?
Getting them rigged however proved the most difficult since I dont have the hardware to drill anything I relyd on Lia helping me put the screws in and on the headband (I myself tried many different ways and they all failed)
They are far lighter than they appear and are pretty sturdy after the Auto primer if they fall off me they dont break and I dont have to worry - Personal Thoughts:
- This is my Final form
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