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American Cosplay Snapshots
Cosplayer Jazqui > Costume of Red (Transistor)
- Most Recent Photo
- 12-29-2017
- Series
- Transistor
- Character
- Red
- Year Completed:
- 2016
- Construction Difficulty:
- Very Difficult
- Costume worn at:
- FanimeCon 2016
- Sac-Anime Summer 2016
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
The jacket and waistband are made from black sateen, and the dress and triangle emblems are two shades of gold satin. Petal dresses are an adventure, and this whole costume was an adventure in drapery, which is not my fort??. I fudged the entire thing from scratch (aside from the coat). The feather collar is a base of tape and wire with feathers hot glued onto it that snaps onto the dress at the front and top of the shoulders. Her engagement ring is sculpey and a gem with a base I got from Etsy, and I painted the boots' details gold with angelus paint.
The transistor itself was the REAL task here. I had never used any of these processes before. It's all frosty green-edged plexiglass with blue EL tape inside, and I did the designs by frosting them more with Rustoleum frosted glass paint in seafoam. The yellow pieces are EVA foam primed with Mod Podge, coated with two layers of plasti-dip, and painted with yellow enamel paint. The "floating" parts rest on plexiglass rods that are attached to the sides. The eye is red resin cast into a frisbee, and the pupil is dark red glass paint. The top triangular piece is wooden, there's a PVC pipe that extends into the center of the blade for the hilt, and the handle is a PVC pipe connector that happened to fit perfectly, further shaped with some craft foam, and then worbla over that. The gem on the end was resin cast, and the whole thing was painted yellow. MAJOR PROPS to my dad for helping me build and engineer so much of it - Personal Thoughts:
- This game is SO GORGEOUS and Red is definitely the kind of character I felt was made for me, with all those art nouveau elements and the vintage songstress feel. Also, can you say firey redheads? I was so happy I finally got to rep one of my favorite games with this costume, and making the transistor was an adventure as well.
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