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Cosplayer angelywen > Costume of Judy Hopps (Zootopia)

Most Recent Photo
Judy Hopps
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Very Easy
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
Construction time: 4-5 hours total

Bunny ears are wire/craft foam attached to a headband. The pink fabric is flannel, the gray is some polyester soft blanket material (not faux fur since I couldn't find any gray...)

Shirt salvaged from Goodwill. It was a bit big so I cinched it in at the waist.

Vest is made from polycotton (65% polyester I believe) and attaches with velcro in the back.

Police badge is craft foam painted gold. It attaches to the vest via safety pin.
Personal Thoughts:
Worn for a Disney-themed Murder Mystery Party! 'Twas fun being chief investigator as Officer Hopps.

Quick, easy, and served its purpose~not sure if I'll keep it around for a convention or not.
Wig Details
Wig Brand
L-email Wig
Wig Name
100cm long Life in A Different World From Zero Emilia Long Silver Straight
Original Color:
Styling Time
5 minutes
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