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Cosplayer Teca > Costume of Taiga Kagami (Kuroko's Basketball)

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Kuroko's Basketball
Taiga Kagami
Special Variation:
Trading card
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Very Easy
Costume worn at:
Katsucon 2016
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
The older I get, the deeper appreciation I have for not only costumes I can buy the pieces for but also that are ridiculously comfortable. I was particularly pleased that the hamburger headphones I already owned were perfect.
Personal Thoughts:
Quantum Destiny got me into this show, even though I was pretty reluctant because sports anime is not usually a genre I enjoyed. Much to my delight, I really enjoyed the whole show and was so excited to get the chance to cosplay with QD again. Not to mention this is hands down the most comfortable cosplay I have worn in my entire life. I need to work on resting male bitch face though. XD;;;
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