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Cosplayer Hikarilight > Costume of Serena (Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V)

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Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V
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Costume worn at:
Anime North 2016
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
I thought this costume would be simple as it's just a jacket, turtleneck, one fingerless glove, belts and a skirt.. but I was sadly mistaken. I had a lot of issues making the jacket, glove and skirt because of the fabric I got... The red is stretchy but I didn't double check the way it stretches so I cut it with the stretch going the wrong way. I also thought the brown I had at home was knit but I was also wrong and it doesn't stretch at all. But, let's go in order. lol

I made the skirt first, which I pattern thinking rectangles would work. I made three rectangles, sewed it together then attached the bias. When I tried putting it on, the shape as weird... so I had to redo the rectangles into trapezoids and it worked out better! Sadly, I had to take apart some of the bias tape as well to make it smooth out around the edges. It's closed with a snap and eye/hook.. When I wore it originally, it stayed on my waist.. but when I tried it again during the con, it was too big so I have to adjust that next time.

Jacket was the next thing I made. Again, I cut it the wrong way so lining the jacket made it difficult. I was originally going to line it with the same fabric but I'm glad I went against that idea and got lining. Sadly, I cut the lining smaller than the actual facing and it bunches oddly in the back where the tails meet but nothing I can do about it... The stars are gold vinyl and the green is interfaced twill. The circular portion of the band is sewed together then sewed onto the actual arm panel with the gold band. I made black strips and attached that to the arms with the buttons. The front and collar is pretty self-explanatory so I won't go into details about that. I was lazy and got pre-made black bias tape though. lol

Turtleneck is also self-explanatory and I got everything right on the first go, this is a first. lol

Finger-less glove is made properly (after I failed to cheat) except I sealed the ends with no fray because hemming it would be a pain in the butt. lol

I made the bow for the hair separately and it stays on the wig through the ponytail clip.

Shorts are exercise/biking shorts that I already owned, bracelet is my Pandora bangle with the charms taken off and boots I already owned as well.
Personal Thoughts:
I liked Serena when she originally came into the series and was like 'wow, what a strong female character'. I don't know why she started losing that strength but I hope she will come back strong again!! I like how she's not your typical female protagonist, well, she isn't really fully a protagonist but same difference. lol
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Arda Wigs
Wig Name
Original Color:
Styling Notes
I literally lost everything I typed.. lol I wanted the Jeannie first but it didn't come in grape so I chose the Chibi and re-style the pigtails into a ponytail twice. The first time I tied it too high so the clip in ponytail extension with the bow looked odd. I shortened the length to match that of the original tied ponytail. I used Royal Blue extensions and glued it into the wig. This was before Arda got clip in extensions, otherwise I would have done that instead. I adjust the length of this once I tried the wig on. I realized that the Chibi is really big so I had to use the bands to help make the diameter smaller. Sadly, I didn't make it small enough because it was still sliding back even with the clip in ponytail there to help it stay on my head. I guess it lost group because a portion of the clip was holding the bow in place.
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