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Cosplayer Pika Pika Queen > Costume of Sailor V (Codename: Sailor V)

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Codename: Sailor V
Sailor V
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
Sakura-con 2006
This Costume has been retired
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
One of my earliest costumes, and once again a joint effort bewteen my and KaitouHotaru. He sewed my outfit, while I constructed the armor/chestplate, covered/modified the shoes and made the glasses. The armor was made with styrene sheeting glued to craft foam, and was then covered in white fabric; the glasses were just painted craft foam. This project was my "intro to sewing" costume; Kaitou did most of the work, but I did bits and pieces to learn the basics. Kaitou also made me the Artemis plushie as I gift. ♥
Personal Thoughts:
This is a very important costume to me. Like many female anime fans, I was a complete Sailor Moon nut as a child, and I still love it today. ♥ My SM fangirl status began with Sailor V; I saw a commercial for the dolls and loved Venus/V's glasses so much that I rushed out and forced my parents to buy me the doll. So, essentially, Sailor V introduced me to the world of anime/manga. In order to honor my "roots", I decided to cosplay V. Even though it's old and has many flaws, this is still one of my favorite costumes.

Currently this costume is retired, but I intend to revamp, hopefully in the next year sometime (2010/11).
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