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Cosplayer Chunlichan > Costume of Sheik (Hyrule Warriors)

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Hyrule Warriors
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
Outfit itself was sewn by the super-talented Amy Marie aka DreamAngel my sister. She used foam (the type you use for chairs and boat cushions) for the main top part, arms, and leg thingies (no idea what to call them) which is separate from the top underneath (which closes like a leotard which a snap on the bottom) and the pants are also a separate part. I added the designs to them with Heat n' Bond and the Eye was made from Craft foam and
rnI added the red with felt that was actually left over from my Tira costume (believe it or not- that makes it 15 years old!). Glued on the eye stuff with e6000 or whatever the name is. I forgot. lol. The stuff in the tube.
rnThe armor was made with Worbla. The pattern was made by my boyfriend and I did the finishing and the painting. (He did the gold painting though - I'm not precise enough for that, just good at spray paint, sanding, etc lol)
rnI used the sandwich method for my Worbla. Which I highly recommend. I actually ran out for one of the shoulder pauldrons, so the bottom of one is made entirely from scrap worbla. The hair piece was also made from Worlba but it was attached to the wig with a dowel rod pushed into it and taped into the gauze.
rnI got the shoes and tabi in Kyoto years ago, so I didn't make those.
rnThe harp and kunai were made from paper clay/paper mache so that they would be light weight. The details were painted on by my boyfriend.
rnWig was from Amazon, I just braided it. The turban was just muslin that I tied into a turban.
rnIf I forgot anything let me know! Theres a lot of detail here!
Personal Thoughts:
Always been my favortie LoZ character, loved her (yes, I said HER!) Hyrule Warriors design even more!
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Wig Name
Extra Long Straight
Original Color:
Styling Time
10 mins
Wig Quality Rating
4 / 5.00
Wig Review
pretty okay wig. You can see the wefts on the top, but with the turban covering that up it didn't matter.
I got it on Amazon, no real brand was listed. It was from ShopToday.
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