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Cosplayer Ammie > Costume of Harley Quinn / Dr. Harleen Francis Quinzel (Batman)
- Most Recent Photo
- 05-26-2015
- Series
- Batman
- Character
- Harley Quinn / Dr. Harleen Francis Quinzel
- Special Variation:
- SideShow Collectibles
- Year Completed:
- 2015
- Construction Difficulty:
- Easy
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
Made of a 4 way stretch matte spandex. I used my same pattern I used for my original Harley Quinn costume from back in 09. There is an invisible zipper up the back that hides in the seam that is red to black. The diamonds on the suit are made of vinyl, the same vinyl I used for the boot covers. The gloves I made from the spandex as well.
I made several cowls this time around with my spandex. This is the Sideshow one. I made the arch in the cones very dramatic and curved. The cones are stuffed with craft batting to keep their shape. I also hand made the pompoms with yarn to make it look like the figures. The cowl has a Velcro closure at the neck to make it easy to get into especially after having the makeup put on.
Collar and cuffs:
I made the collar and cuffs of a white polyester fabric I found on sale (paid $3 for it.)I added an invisible zipper in the back of the collar seam line. I patterned this particular collar out to look like the Sideshow version. So a seam line runs down every part that has a pompom on the end of it. I also hand sewed mini pompoms all around the collar. I added a white ribbon bow in the back, like the figures. The cuffs were left over fabric from the collar; Just rectangles, hemmed and gathered with elastic.
The mask is made of leather, It was water formed to my face. After it dried I dyed it black and put a gloss sealer over it for shine. I also use this mask for my Black Cat costume (it’s actually what I originally made the mask for!)
Boot covers:
They are made of the twill from the corset. They are just spats worn over a pair of combat boots. The diamonds sewn on are done with reflective tape. I added the D rings to the back toggle like the figure. I laced the front of them up the same way the figure has them done as well.
I hand drafted the corset to look identical to the Sideshow version. I used Twill for a solid structure. I encased the edges with black bias tape. I added white ruffle lace to the lower edge. I added some eyelets up the front and weaved a white cord for a dummy lacing in the front. The corset has eyelets up the back for a real corset to get in and out of. I used industrial zip ties for boning.
My sister did the makeup for this; a good practice run to see how the white face base worked out. She did all the eye makeup detailing based of the Sideshow version. She used Snazaroo face paint makeup for the white base.
I made the mallet and pop gun myself. I use these props for all my Harley costumes. The mallet is based off of the Assault on Arkham version of Harley. The pop gun is more based of the animated series version. The mallet was made using a cardboard box, dowel, craft foam and spare flyer papers, duct tape in red and black. The pop gun was made from a dollar store cap gun, plastic ice cream container, craft foam, Gesso, cork board and a Popsicle stick. - Personal Thoughts:
- Harley Quinn is my favorite comic book character so it’s only natural I make pretty well every interpretation of her in as many forms as I can. When Sideshow released their long awaited figure of Harley I really loved her modernized look. The classic animated series style is my favorite version of Harley and Sideshow took that as their base and added some of their own touches which looked pretty cool. I knew I had to make this version after I saw it.
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