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Cosplayer foxcox > Costume of Hinata Hyuuga (Naruto)

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Hinata Hyuuga
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
This costume was kind of a bigger undertaking for me, because it had plenty of components I at the time had never really dabbled in before, for example; contacts, and well, styling a wig more than cutting bangs and calling it good to go.

I won't go into detail of what exactly was what, but I'll just say that finding the components for this was an adventure in its own!
Personal Thoughts:
I adore Hinata! When I first watched through Naruto it was love at first-sight.
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Arda Wigs
Wig Name
Wig Quality Rating
4 / 5.00
Wig Review
For some reason the sides were a little bit... weirdly asymmetrical? I noticed while styling it that one side of the bob wanted to stick forward, and the other wanted to stick out... hmm.
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