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Cosplayer StrawberrySiren > Costume of Officer Jenny (Pokemon)

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Officer Jenny
Year Completed:
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
Kepi was patterned 100% by me. The outer shell is twill to match the uniform. Red detailing done with bias tape. The brim is made of material cut off from a gi for a friend's cosplay. Emblem was hand embroidered and sewn onto the hat. The lining is made from navy colored felt and the whole thing was interfaced to more or less hold its shape.

The skirt was based off of a skirt that I already had lying in my closet. Made of twill. Sometimes I wear it out to clubs and bars and stuff.

Top was mostly my mom's patterning and then a two day long blur of sewing. It was a nightmare. Made of twill. Red detailing made from bias tape, same as the hat. Belt came from Burlington Coat Factory!I rate this as hard mostly for the top. The top was awful.
Personal Thoughts:
I made the skirt all on my own as well as the hat. My mom was a HUGE help with the top. I have knee problems so I had to wear the sneakers that I brought instead of the shoes I was supposed to wear with this costume. I have new shoes that while aren't accurate, fit with the character, are comfortable, and do not affect my knee.
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Epic Cosplay
Wig Name
Wig Quality Rating
4 / 5.00
Styling Notes
Curled the entire wig instead of being totally accurate with it. Cut the bangs myself.
Wig Review
My first Epic wig! It's a little shiny but it's still a great wig. It's very thick and curls easily.
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