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Cosplayer Bubblesgal0re > Costume of Catherine (Catherine)

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Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
Katsucon 2015
MAGfest 2015
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
I altered an underbust pattern for the bottom of her camisole and freehanded the rest of the costume pieces. I originally made Catherine's costume with a cheaper satin and even with serged seams, the fabric couldn't hold up to being taught (her skirt is quite tight!) I remade the entire costume with a more expensive casa satin and it has worked perfectly. The design is simple, but I added topstitching and lace to make the costume delicate and detailed.
Personal Thoughts:
One of my favorite costumes to wear, but she only comes out after dark.
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Wig Name
Long Straight
Original Color:
honey blonde
Styling Time
a few days of construction
Wig Quality Rating
3 / 5.00
Styling Notes
I created this wig in two parts. I ordered a long wig and cut the hair off at the nape of the neck. I created a plastic form to pin pieces of hair over to create the curls, then I sprayed it with hairspray. I made two curls for each side of the head. I sandwiched pieces of wire between the curls and hairsprayed the corresponding curls together. I connected the curls with a leather strap, which lays over the head under the wig.
Wig Review
This particular color feels more plastic than other wigs I have of the same style but in different colors.
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