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Cosplayer Crystalline Cosplay > Costume of Death the Kid (Soul Eater)
- Most Recent Photo
- 09-15-2014
- Series
- Soul Eater
- Character
- Death the Kid
- Year Completed:
- 2014
- Construction Difficulty:
- Easy
- Costume worn at:
- OhayoCon 2014
- Shuto Con 2014
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
The blazer is just a plain black blazer I was able to thrift. The white stripes were made out of bias tape and stitch witchery. The ones down the front have velcro on the back and that's what keeps the blazer closed.
The brooch is made out of sculpey. I painted the eyes black and glued a pin to the back.
The skateboard I painted freehand and changed the wheels on. The guns were originally black and I painted those as well. - Personal Thoughts:
- Death the Kid is my absolute favorite chaarcter from Soul Eater so it's really great to be able to cosplay him!
Wig Details
- Wig Review
- I love working with Arda wigs, they're so thick and easy to style.
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