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Cosplayer Ammie > Costume of Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon)

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Sailor Moon
Sailor Mercury
Special Variation:
Version 2
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
The fuku is white spandex…a very high end spandex that costs an arm and a leg. It is also doubled up for modesty. The fuku looks like a swimsuit with a series of snaps all over it. 1 for the collar, 2 larger snaps for each bow (front and back) and 8 around the hip curve for the skirt to attach to. I used the same pattern for all my other fuku’s. Everything is overlocked serged on the inside for a clean professional look.

Same collar pattern I use which is one I drafted years ago. I still have never altered this pattern because it works the way I want it to. The 2 rows of ribbon stripes were done with a wider double needle (this made things go twice as fast.)

I bought some really nice ice blue duchess satin with the intent to make Mercury’s bows waaaaaay back when I bought the ocean blue Peau de Soie. Using the same bow pattern, I made my front bow and back bow AND a Super bow for the back to swap out on the skirt. I also used this stuff on the boot toppers for the boot covers.

Skirt and Hiproll:
The skirt is made up for 2 drop circles vs. the 4. The reason for this is because Peau de Soie is very thick and heavy satin; 4 drop circles would make this thing look like a tutu. I wanted something more subtle and elegant. The 2 circles work really nice and give it a pleated look. I used a narrow hem foot to hem the bottoms. The hiproll is sewn right onto the skirt. The 8 snaps are also sewn to the back underside of the hiproll so it can connect to the fuku.

Glove toppers, Choker, Brooch and Earrings:
The glove toppers were cut on the bias, sewn along the bottom, turned inside out and 3 channels sewn in. I stuffed each channel with craft batting. They sit over a pair of white gloves. The same white gloves I use for my other scout costumes.

The choker is a strip of the satin sewn into a tube then turned inside out, pressed and some Velcro squares sewn on the back for closure.

The brooch is a circle Christmas ornament. An acrylic fillable ornament painted from the inside. Instead of gluing it onto the front bow I glued a piece of craft foam to the back and added a brooch closure. I have also made a heart brooch so the bows can be used for Super, basic and Crystal.

The earrings are ones I bought from Claire’s fashion accessories a number of years ago. I bought a card of about 5 pairs in different colors so I would have the stud earring for each scout (Mercury, Venus, Neptune etc.)

Boot Covers:
Just spandex pulled over a shoe. If I can find a really nice stretch PVC in blue that comes close to matching my skirt, I will buy a bit and redo the boots. For now the spandex works. I wear flats with the boots so it doesn’t make me any taller than what I stand (5’7)

The wig…I’m not sure what brand it is, I bought it from Cosplayer Kels back in 2010. She used it for her Mercury and I asked where she got it from. She offered to sell it to me because she had no intention of being Mercury again. I gladly bought it. She told me she bought it from eBay…a UK seller apparently.
As for styling, the wig is already kinda short, so it was a bit tricky. I fluffed the bangs out as per usually and fluffed the back out to make it appear more voluminous. I really love the color of the wig.
Personal Thoughts:
My original Mercury costume was due for a remake. The one I wore was actually an older Sailor Moon fuku I had made, but in turn made blue bows to be Mercury in a pinch for Glay and Quantum Destiny’s Sailor Moon group during AN 2010.
While I was happy with my Mercury costume, I really wish I could have matched them 100% to look more coordinated. After AN I found the perfect Peau de Soie satin in ocean blue. They all used that fabric for their costumes so I was determined to remake my Mercury in the same style/fabric they did. One day I will have to get a re-shoot with that group now that I can match them.
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