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Cosplayer Bree The V. > Costume of Shiki (The World Ends With You)

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The World Ends With You
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Costume worn at:
ConnectiCon 2009
This Costume has been retired
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
These construction notes come from my description of the costume on Cosplay.com:

"Ugh, where to start...

Well, first off, I did not make the entire costume. The bulk of the costume (skirt, bag, shirt, overjacket) was made by CosplayMandy, who did such an excellent job. The bag strap was a bit loose though, so we had to find a way to make it a bit shorter so it could be the right length. Either I took up the excess with a black rubber band and stuffed it in the back of my skirt (which was covered with the overjacket happily), or we just did it once or twice over when looping it through the belt loops of the skirt.

The shoes were commissioned by human_go on eBay. They came the SAME DAY of the convention, and they were BACKWARDS. So, to fix THAT, I went to a hardware store and got some yellow tape, and put it on. No one could tell the difference unless I told them, which made me really happy.

The hat was commissioned by mihoyonagi, who did such a kick ass job about it. People complimented it over and over. Everyone complimented the costume as a whole."

Also, Shiki's pendant necklace was made by me using silver Sculpty.
Personal Thoughts:
I did this cosplay with a friend, Lee (Aer Arcanum). This sincerely was the worst year of cosplay I've ever had. I was having a very shitty life at the time in 2009, friends were being fucking assholes, I was fat. Lots was wrong. As such, I sold the costume. Good riddance.
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Wig Name
Styling Time
40 minutes
Wig Quality Rating
4 / 5.00
Styling Notes
All I really did was cut the bang some, and then styled the ends so they flared out more.
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