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Cosplayer auress > Costume of Tetra (Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)

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Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Very Easy
Costume worn at:
ColossalCon (Cleveland) 2014
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
not much effort had to be put into this cosplay. at least 6% of it is hand made. the vest is fabric I saved for making the anna skirt from frozen. saprisingly, wearing it with a bright purple shirt makes the color of the vest look violet, wich is what I wanted. the bandages worn on the wrists is saved up fabric I remember using to make the top for my Zelda cosplay from Four Swords Adventures. and the scarf and ribbon is obviously satin that I saved for making the bow from four swords adventures. I used a purple marker to draw purple lines on the white caprees I had since I was 12
Personal Thoughts:
I've been wanting to dress up as this character ever since I was 11 years old! other than Skyloft Zelda, this costume wins most comfterble
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Arda Wigs
Wig Name
Le Tigre Long
Original Color:
platinum blonde
Styling Time
a whole day
Wig Quality Rating
5 / 5.00
How was the wig colored?
platinum blonde
Styling Notes
because its basically just Zelda's hair tied up into a swirly bun, that's why I used a separate le trigre long wig from arda-wigs and just hair sprayed it. but the front curls obviously came out alot better than the original Toon Zelda wig
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